"Hey, I've Got Something to Say" 6.23.22

On this edition of "Hey, I've Got Something to Say", I was joined by Kate Heartsong!

About Kate:

Kate Heartsong is the empowering and life-enhancing author of two books, Humanity’s Cry for Change and Deeply We Are One. She is also the “Confidence Coach”, a workshop facilitator, coauthor, public speaker and Reiki Master/Teacher.

For over 20 years, Kate has been receiving profound insights while meditating. She is passionate about supporting her clients, audiences and readers with these insights, along with the wisdom from her vast life experiences and education.

Her clients and students are enriched through her self-confidence, meditation and Reiki workshops, which she has taught for over 15 years.

The new Google Play store app called Ingomu, has 90+ coaches worldwide, offering many valuable personal and health and wellness topics. Kate is excited to be part of this, with her topic called Positively Change Yourself and Humanity, based on her new book Humanity's Cry for Change.

She’s passionate about helping people realize that as they better themselves and create inner peace, they also support creating peace worldwide. Her quote says it best: “Peace within, peace on earth.”

Connect with Kate:

Kate's Website





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Sandy Weston